Friday, February 14, 2025

Vday to Laura (Austria -- extra Penpalentine)

For this exchange, they send all addresses and groups in one big email, and add that you can send to any additional people, if you wish. I did this last year, as I looked through the group to 1) see if there were any other Iowans on the list, and 2) see if there are any fun int'l. countries to send to!

I came upon Laura's, and since my family and I visited Germany and Austria in 2013, thought I'd send to her, in hopes of getting a new penpal from Vienna!

I loved how hers turned out (except for the name... grrr.) 
I'll explain the other lettering below, but for the name, I used a white calligraphy marker. However, it wasn't very opaque, and not crisp either, so i had to outline with pp and India ink. I actually like this "technique", but hate the mess of the name. Hoping I disguised it well! (added her last name in pp at the end in pink metallic ink. And I like the "A")

for the other lettering, i lettered variations of "hello" in diff. languages, using metallic inks. It's a bit hard to see, but I was so happy with it. 

Better view of the silver.

Diff. view

I enclosed this handmade heart card I made last year. This would also be a fun idea for a mini book. 
Can't remember if I made the abstract design specifically for the card or if it was a failed wc piece.

I then lettered a little note to her (about the card) using a tiny pp nib I rarely utilize. As someone who had difficulty slowing down to pen a letter or note using a pp (and as someone with terrible handwriting), I was extremely pleased with how this turned out!)

"hello" with a Posca on the left side.
So much detail on this card -- I'm sure it was time consuming for me. Hope she likes!

(and hope to hear back from her!)

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