Friday, April 26, 2019

 (as you can read from the card) I have a few old postage stamps and thought I'd make some postcards to go with them vs. using a 2nd stamp (however, I may do this with my international envelopes).

So, here is just a fun one to Janet!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Golf to Janet

Used the golf stamp for this one. Can't wait to see how well it goes through the mail!  (see below)

Not thrilled about my lettering, but I really didn't know what to use (or what colors).
Again, got in a hurry (even with my printing). #needtoslowdown

I asked Janet to please send me a pic of it, as I was curious to see how it went through the mail, and she kindly obliged!

I was surprised they cancelled her name vs. the stamp itself.

I have so many ideas for these "Have a Ball" stamps that I just need to take my time to create them. Same with the John Lennon ones. (Although that's more lettering vs. illustration)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Drawn Caps to Maureen

Thinking of doing a series of these type of envelopes where I do initial caps and matching zip codes. Started a few, and sent this one to Maureen recently (in hopes of becoming regular exchangers!)


Wish I knew what stamp I used! Love the colors and how well it turned out.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Embossed to Janet

I'm doing an embossing series of envelopes and this is the first one I'm sending out. I decided to write the zip code out as well, in order to help it through the mail, as I hate returns! (Also, hate that I have to cover up my pp work, as it turned out pretty decent!)

Love how well the stamp went with it. So delicate.
(I didn't even plan that either! Love when that happens! #happyaccident!) 

Back side with a hi. (used an alpha stencil, but created the insert myself).


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Play Ball! to Jean

Another "clever" idea I got for the Have a Ball stamps. (Just in time for baseball season!) So easy to incorporate this into Jean's name, however, drawing the stitches on the letters was just a tad tricky (and time-consuming!)

Love how i thought to do so with the zip code as well!

and the exclamation point!

I did one for Janet as well. Did hers first so it was a trial run (I like Jean's better). *Janet and I actually do trial runs for each others env.'s   Guess we're each others' "guinea pigs"!  :D

experimental (1st env.)

Back of env.


Rub on Letters, to myself

 No numbers included with these, so I didn't even try to match (plus no room). Used on a vellum type envelope along with flair markers, and ink didn't rub off!

I really like how this turned out, esp. my lettering of the address (which is something i struggle with b/c of my penmanship!) I actually DID mail this to myself for my b-day in December. I can't remember which stamp I used, so I'll have to find it and update. I inserted a black card and it was actually fun to get in the mail b/c I had forgotten about it! (Happy B-day to me!)  :D

And here are some comments from Jean:

"She did some exchanging in 2019 and her envelopes were very well received."

"Love this envelope. The layered caps are a puzzle."

*It was fun reading about how I did the letters, trying to figure out, but I eventually told them.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Splatter Series (w/RW)

 I love this lettering and design I came up with. So fun and a good 'ole "go to" when ideas fail me.

i've been "desperate" for exchangers (on a regular basis), and although I love sending snail mail to others, I do miss getting beautifully (or fun!) lettered mail in return. Seems a lot of mail I get is just decorated env.'s. Those can be fun too, but i do love seeing my name lettered in a nice fun calligraphic way.

But then, I remember all the lovelies I've accumulated from years past, and just enjoy the fact that I'm now creating lovelies for others.  (or at least I hope they think so!)

 My hello card didn't turn out (messed up on the " l's"), but decided to send anyway:

With stamp (tried to match colors):

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Bright initial caps

Found this idea either on Pinterest or IG, and it's so fun to copy. Was playing with the L for my name and decided to make a few env.'s to me. These also make fun inserts for others (see J below -- sent to Janet): 

Reminds me a bit of "architectural lettering".

With Bold outline.

J to Janet. Added a gem and splatters

Then mounted for her.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Thornton to Nele

Full button Alphabet with her name highlighted.

I would have loved to use either the golf ball or soccer ball stamp on this (see below), as they would go perfect, but since it's international, I have to use the not-so-fun ones.  :/ (waaa.)

See? Perfect.