Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ocean theme (Eire Mail), 1

 Tara, with Eire Mail (The Elevated Env.), organizes a snail mail exchange based on themes:

I missed the Rainbow one last year, but got signed up for this year's Ocean theme. At first, I was a bit stumped with this subject, however, my creativity started kicking in, and now I'm on a roll!

Each group got 5 recipients (plus Tara herself, if you wish to send to her), and my only challenge was lack of ocean stamps. But that never stops me! (mail is to be postmarked by 3/3)

Here is my first creation:

I just watercolored the ocean as best as I could, then added little fishies in diff. colors.

I then added a subtle quote within the waters: "Life is like the ocean; It goes up and down."

You have to angle to see it. (and it almost didn't fit!)

Back Flap:

and the insert:

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