Saturday, September 14, 2024

More DC art

Here are a few more env.'s inspired by modern art from the Nat'l. Gallery of Art, DC (East Bldg)
*I had to turn a lot of these on their sides in order to make the env.'s mailable, etc.
Calder. How perfect does this line up with a flap on an env??

Another Calder. I hate that the yellow square will get covered by a stamp. :(  #Waaa.

Jackson Pollock. There are obviously others that will be easy to duplicate, but I found this one fun, as the Left side reminded me of folded pen work.

Another Calder. Wish I had thought to take a full pic of it, as I made it a folded piece with the white part the back flap on one side.

And this one was a bit of a fail, as I made the squares too big. Will try to redo. (It's inspired by the lower entrance of the building.)

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