Monday, September 30, 2024

Blackletter to Chuck

Another to Chuck, just because. 
(Poor guy is having one ailment after another.)

Used a Parallel pen and diff. inks, then pp for his last name.
So bummed I'm now out of these stamps.

Back:  tried doing the lettering the same, then coloring in w/color pencil.
A bit of a fail.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Apples to Lynne!

I did this watercolor env. last year, but never sent, as I painted the end of October. This year, it went to Lynne!

I really want to work on my w/c skills, but it really depends on the paper too. (I find that these wc papers bleed, which is wild b/c they're Strathmore brand.)

Having fun on the back flap! 
(I always hate covering up my pp work/lettering, esp. when it turns out!)

With an insert.

Pointed pen for all the lettering.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Fall colors to Lina

I love, absolutely LOVE this!!!

This idea came to me last minute, and was so thrilled at how it turned out. I used the same idea as the one I sent to Mia this summer:  , but this time, I used fall colors and pastels (with some color pencil).

I also used the tulip stamps but turned upside down as they look like unique pumpkins/gourds to me! (mesoclever!)

Here are a few more I sent:

See what I mean? (Yes? No?)
Regardless, at least the colors match! 😊

Saturday, September 21, 2024

DC Art envies, *Updated

 I addressed and sent off my DC art envies this month! (Loving the new circle stamps.)

Scroll to bottom to see original inspos.

Stamp matches perfect! (colors)

I so badly wanted the back flap to match, and mainly, the flap itself to be red (as when I saw this art, that's the first thing I thought!), but I didn't want to wet the seal (although I could have used glue or double sided tape). SO, I painted the bottom part and tucked in the actual flap.
This is shown flipped.

And this is the how the env. actually is (white part is the real flap)

2nd one:

Hate that the stamp covered up the design. Oh well. Still looks pretty good!

Did the back to match. (incorporated elements of the piece within the address)
Plan to do another one of these!

*(Jean got 2 Calders, as she is the only person I know who would probably appreciate them the most, because of her art background. So, of course, the pressure was on to make them perfect -- haha!)

Last one:

Again, the stamp matches! (My darn ink blobbed her name though -- grrr.)
See vid below for how I made the env. (one sheet folded, glued the sides together and matched the flap! Used acrylic paint for the colors.)
This would also make a fun postcard.

Backside, b4 sealing flap


Monday, September 16, 2024

Baseball to Nava

When I first started exchanging with Nava, she told me she's a Cubs fan, and actually lives near the stadium! So, how fitting to send her a b-ball themed envie.
Plus, b-ball is still in full swing! (no pun... haha). And, my oldest just got back from a Twins game in MN.

My seams need work, as it's tricky with the puff paint. 
Plus, her name is too close together (the last name).

Saturday, September 14, 2024

More DC art

Here are a few more env.'s inspired by modern art from the Nat'l. Gallery of Art, DC (East Bldg)
*I had to turn a lot of these on their sides in order to make the env.'s mailable, etc.
Calder. How perfect does this line up with a flap on an env??

Another Calder. I hate that the yellow square will get covered by a stamp. :(  #Waaa.

Jackson Pollock. There are obviously others that will be easy to duplicate, but I found this one fun, as the Left side reminded me of folded pen work.

Another Calder. Wish I had thought to take a full pic of it, as I made it a folded piece with the white part the back flap on one side.

And this one was a bit of a fail, as I made the squares too big. Will try to redo. (It's inspired by the lower entrance of the building.)

Monday, September 9, 2024

Cut outs to Jean

In July, I took a class at our local Art Center (abstract lettering), and the first project we did was cutting out an alphabet from squares, using as few cuts as possible. This was to get us to really look at the shapes of letters. (see below)

Jean and I discussed this, and she had talked about wanting to do this with stamps! (That would be one expensive envelope!) But instead she made copies of a stamp and did so with my name.

SO, for the Aug. PTEx, I decided to one "up" her! 😆 (I wrote in her letter, "I see your stamps, and raise you this envelope!")

This month, she gave us her full name to letter. (How perfect, huh??) 
The funny thing, is the cutting was the easy part (and I'm not a fan of cutting). I had trouble getting the colors to line up, so that was the irritating part that took the longest. (see below!)

Piece for art center class. Tome's sample (the instructor) was lovely (wish I had a pic), as her letters were all the same size. I just started cutting out mine, not measuring (as I was antsy to do fun lettering).

The final background insert. Told Jean I wanted to do something fun with the background, but not sure what. Then I wish I had just colored the entire piece. You can, however, still see her name, even though the shapes aren't evenly colored.
Also, the envelope wasn't the sturdiest, so I hope it went through the mail ok with no tears!

Then, I kept going and decided to do a whole cut out of her name. (At this point, my finger was getting tired and cramping.) Used card stock for this. (Also, the heart in the top A is from a heart shaped hole punch I have. And for the 2nd A and first i, I just used a marker, as I'm not good at cutting circles. Plus, my hole punch wouldn't reach.)

With stamp.

Not done yet, as I STILL kept going! Got the idea to do the back too. Originally, I wanted to do "AUG PTE" cut out, but too much work, so I only did OPEN, and just lettered the others. (I also did a cut out "HI" card, but forgot to take a pic! grrrr.)

Hope she gets a good chuckle from it all!

Jean posted to her blog on 9/11 and here is how it arrived (she had let me know it arrived intact when she got it):

it's sometimes such a bummer when the cancellation marks up the art of the envelope. Sometimes, as Jean notes & notices, it adds to it. Other times, not-so-much.
I'm just glad it didn't tear!  :)

And (SO glad she did this, as I forgot to take pics) she also posted the little "HI" cutout card i sent!

And here is the empty env. cancelled:


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Art inspired envies (DC)

In mid-August my family and I went to DC for a week. One day, we visited the National Gallery of Art (East Bldg -- Modern/Contemporary Art), and I was SO inspired!
I got so many ideas for envelopes based on artwork displayed.

This is my first creation! (Miro)

Not exactly like hers, but I did it free-hand.
I also turned on its side, so as to put the name and address between the wavy lines.

Correct View

Side view

And addressed:

With matching insert


Monday, September 2, 2024

Clear env. (mag.) to Cathy

 I need to get more clear env.'s, as I have so many ideas for them. Been trying to use my pretty magazine pages (the ones that might be too "cluttered" to send on their own).

This one is so pretty, and the stamp matches perfect! Good space for the address too.

pp for name

Back flap

mag page outside of env.

more pp work

close up (ish) of name.