Monday, May 6, 2024

Ocean theme to Nava

Yes, i refer to Leslie Nava as just "Nava", as it's weird otherwise (b/c I feel like I'm referring to myself!)
Anyway, this env. started out one way, but little things turned it into an ocean theme.

Happy Accident here. I knew I'd be using the fish stamps, but when lettering the name (with my big automatic pen), I messed up the 2nd "l". So, in trying to fix it, I kept adding layers. The layers remind me a bit of ocean "grasses"/ reeds, whatever you'd call it.

Then, another exchanger sent me this piece (already folded), claiming it's not a book page (but I can't remember where they said they got it). Of course, my first thought was that it'd be a super fun envelope! However, 1) I didn't have a stamp to go with it, and 2) the stamp could cover up part of her head. Plus there'd be no way to really included anything, and I'd have to just seal it up, which I didn't want to do. So, I lettered and addressed and sent as is, explaining all this.
*I forgot to take a pic of the other side, which is Ursula's reflection in the mirror

Then, I tried creating this quote, but it's a bit of a fail. (The L was suppose to be ocean waves.) -- #waaaa.

My little fish detail from the env. stamps.

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