Monday, August 5, 2019

Lettering Progress

 So funny how one can improve in such a short amount of time. Since getting back into my lettering last fall, I cannot believe how much it has improved since then! (Hope this doesn't sound brag-ish... it's just that over the months, I've seen my lettering get so much better.)

Looking back on some pieces I did from then, I cringe. BUT am so glad I'm seeing improvement.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about. A few days ago, I came upon some sketches from my bond paper pad with altered foundational lettering. That reminded me of a card/env. I sent to a friend in which I used that style, but had forgotten to take a pic of it. So, I asked her if she still had it and if so, to please take a pic of it to send to me. (I guess she has it hanging at her desk at work!  :)  -- that is where I sent it to her.) Here it is:

Not bad, but am hating the "T". Sent it to her for her b-day. (stamp fail!)

I don't even use this anymore (since I'm so into my folded nibs!) But with HLC I do play with it every so often.

Anyway, I just had to share this. So glad she kept it. Funny how some people who don't do lettering (or art) love things we may think are terrible.

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